An alternative multimodal treatment is effective and safe for migrain


  • Leonid Churilov St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Jozélio de Carvalho Institute for Health Sciences, Federal University of Bahia, Rua Augusto Viana, Palácio da Reitoria, Canela, Salvador, 40110-909, Brazil
  • Aaron Lerner Chaim Sheba Medical Center, 2, Derech Sheba, Ramat Gan, Israel
  • Natalia Marques VP Nutrição Funcional, 287, Rua Carlos Petit, Vila Mariana, São Paulo-SP, Brazil



The objective of the article was to evaluate an alternative approach for migraine. The patients received an alternative multimodal approach (AMA) involving nutraceuticals, melatonin, and dietary changes. Six patients were included in the study. Comorbidities were observed in all patients and included hypertension, depression, anxiety, diabetes, asthma, silicone breast implants, and allergic rhinitis. Sleep disorders were observed in 67 % of the patients. Interestingly, after applying AMA, there was a remarkable improvement in all participants. Vitamin D levels surged significantly, and sleep improved in all patients with sleep disturbances. The number of days with migraine was reduced significantly. An improvement of VAS well-being was observed after AMA, and a reduction of the VAS migraine pain was noted. All migraineurs, except one, suspended the conventional preventive drugs for migraine. An AMA is effective and safe, without any side effects for migraine prevention and therapy.


migraine, headache, nutraceuticals, pain, vitamin D, melatonin, migraineurs, well-being


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How to Cite

Churilov, L., de Carvalho, J., Lerner, A. ., & Marques , N. (2022). An alternative multimodal treatment is effective and safe for migrain. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Medicine, 16(4), 273–283.



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