
  • Nikolay Romanenkov Medical Information and Analytical Center, 30, ul. Shkapina, St. Petersburg, 198095, Russian Federation ; Northwestern State Medical University named aft er I. I. Mechnikov, 41, ul. Kirochnaya, Saint-Petersburg, 191015, Russian Federation
  • Konstantin Movchan Medical Information and Analytical Center, 30, ul. Shkapina, St. Petersburg, 198095, Russian Federation ; Northwestern State Medical University named aft er I. I. Mechnikov, 41, ul. Kirochnaya, Saint-Petersburg, 191015, Russian Federation



Experience of adipose derived stem cells clinical application for soft tissue defects reconstruction is given in the form of a review. Research is focused on details of diff erent research data of adipose derived stem cells application for tissue defects reconstruction, formed aft er the removal of a malignant tumor, and in the topographic anatomy recovery of human body parts for cosmetic purposes in terms of their functional viability under new (post-operative) conditions. Based on the results of many experts and discussed issues and unsolved problems of clinical application of adipose derived stem cells in plastic and reconstructive surgery, possible ways of addressing them through targeted representative prospective studies are considered. Refs 45.


regenerative medicine, plastic surgery, mesenchymal stem cells, adipose tissue


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How to Cite

Romanenkov, . N., & Movchan , K. (2017). ADIPOSE DERIVED STEM CELLS APPLICATION RESULTS IN PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY (REVIEW). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Medicine, 11(4), 85–95.


