Diet food in the public catering system — an important direction in the health care of Russia population


  • Viktor Zakrevskii North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov, 47, Piskarevskii pr., St. Petersburg, 195067, Russian Federation
  • Stanislav Lopatin St. Petersburg State Economic University, 21, Sadovaya ul., St. Petersburg, 191023, Russian Federation



The article presents data on the state of public catering in Russia, peculiarities of eating behavior of various categories of the population in modern conditions. It is noted that most adults consume a significant amount of animal fats, trans isomers of fatty acids, salt, simple carbohydrates and an insufficient amount of vegetables and fruit, fish and seafood. It also states he absence of a link between the nutritional behavior of the population, depending on their mood and psychological status, and the technological and assortment policies of food industry enterprises, focused on the use of modern advances in scientific and technological progress. The article highlights key indicators of the catering market of Russia, the USA and Canada, such as the average per capita cost of food “outside the house”, the share of food “outside the house” in the structure of food costs and catering market volume. A positive result of a systematic approach to the organization of diet in the USSR is shown. The conclusion about the feasibility of a phased restoration of dietary elements outside the home for all categories of consumers.


diet food, public catering system, eating behavior, eating out


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How to Cite

Zakrevskii , V. ., & Lopatin, S. . (2020). Diet food in the public catering system — an important direction in the health care of Russia population. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Medicine, 14(3), 254–259.



Public health and health care

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