
  • Piotr Yablonskii Saint Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Igor Vasilev ederal State Budget Institution «St. Petersburg Research Institute Phthisiopulmonology» Russian Ministry of Health, 2–4, Ligovskiy avenue, St. Petersburg,191036, Russian Federation
  • Evgeny Sokolovich Federal State Budget Institution «St. Petersburg Research Institute Phthisiopulmonology» Russian Ministry of Health, 2–4, Ligovskiy avenue, St. Petersburg,191036, Russian Federation



In the recent years, the tactic of tuberculosis treatment has undergone significant changes due to increased
incidence of MDR and XDR-TB. These forms of the disease can not be treated by the usual chemotherapy regimens. A similar trend is observed worldwide. Therefore, TB surgery has obviously experienced a kind of rebirth in many countries. This article summarizes the current views on the surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Refs 33.


pulmonary tuberculosis, thoracic surgery, lobectomy, tuberculoma, cavitary tuberculosis


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How to Cite

Yablonskii, P., Vasilev, I. ., & Sokolovich, E. (2017). THE ROLE OF SURGERY IN DIAGNOSTICS AND TREATMENT OF PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS (REVIEW OF LITERATURE). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Medicine, 11(3), 64–70.


