The potentialities of enotherapy in the correction of experimental hypoxia’s effects
The aim of the work was to study the influence of sparkling wines on the main markers of hypoxia. Material and methods. The experiment was carried out on 25 white male rats weighing 180–200 grams (age 10–12 weeks.). Animals of group 1 were control animals and received drinking water. Animals of the second group received water and were subjected to bloodletting on the 1st week. Animals of the 3rd group were subjected to bloodletting on the 1st week and received diluted sparkling wine as drinking water. Animals of group 4 were not subjected to bloodletting and received diluted sparkling wine as drinking water throughout the experiment. Sparkling wine was given at a dose of 300 ml of wine per 70 kg of body weight. In the blood serum, markers of free radical oxidation and markers of inflammation formed in hypoxic damage were studied. Results: the use of sparkling wines for correction of biochemical disorders in hypoxia led to the strengthening of antioxidant protection systems: the level of superoxide dismutase showed an increase of 77 % (p < 0,05) comparing to the group with simulated hypoxia, the growth of catalase activity by 5 times, the values of trypsin-like activity and elastase-like activity were lower than the hypoxic level by 20 % (p < 0,05) and 59 % (p < 0,01), respectively. Conclusion: the use of sparkling red wine in the correction of free-radical and proteolytic damage, typical for hypoxia, revealed a complex positive effect on a number of important indicators of antioxidant and antiproteolytic protection of the body. This indicates the prospects for further experimental and clinical studies in this direction.
sparkling wines, hypoxia, free-radical oxidation, proteolysis
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