The risk to the health of the population exposed to the influence of the road-car complex
Growth of vehicle-to-population ratio is accompanied by environmental pollutants growth.This paper deals with health risk indicators of gaseous and dust components in environment result from vehicles operation. A quantitative assessment of road-cars operation impact at different levels of air pollution. is provided. Value of public health risk indicator at different values of air pollution caused by road-cars operation was determined. Dependence of public health risk on distance from the roads with different traffic intensity was determined. Growth of vehicle-to-population ratio resulted in high level of air pollution formation in megalopolises, caused by fuel combustion; road surface destruction and accumulation of braking system and tires wastes. Solid particles in atmospheric air samples by 70 % consists of aluminosilicates, which provide fibrogenic effect, contains heavy metal and substances with a pronounced carcinogenic effect (Benz-(a)-pyrene, dibenz-(a, h)-anthracene, Benz-(B)-fluoranthene and chrysene). It was shown that non-carcinogenic risk caused by vehicle emissions in case of traffic intensity constituting 2500–3000 cars per hour for population up to 30 years old was determined as negligible; up to 40 years — as moderate, at the age of 50 years — as high and for the age over 53 years as very high. Respiratory and cardiovascular systems were determined as the most susceptive. Dependence of the risk level on distance from the road is determined.
risk assessment, road transport, air pollution, public health, life expectancy
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