Biochemical and morphological changes in the gland in the most common liver diseases (literature review)


  • Ekaterina Komarova Penza State University, 40, ul. Krasnaya, Penza, 440026, Russian Federation
  • Maria Fedorova Penza State University, 40, ul. Krasnaya, Penza, 440026, Russian Federation
  • Anastasia Kozlova Penza State University, 40, ul. Krasnaya, Penza, 440026, Russian Federation
  • Nikita Tsyplihin Penza State University, 40, ul. Krasnaya, Penza, 440026, Russian Federation



Currently, there are a large number of studies devoted to the study of the relationship between liver diseases and the development of pathological processes in other organs, such as the kid neys, brain, etc. However, in the available scientific literature, the problem of the influence of hepatic pathologies on the structure and functions of the thyroid gland is covered to a much lesser extent. In some cases, information on this problem is only indirectly addressed in scientific research. In order to summarize these data, a literature review of scientific articles posted in the public domain search engines was carried out. This literature review contains basic information concerning the problem of the influence of liver diseases on the structural and functional features of the thyroid gland. The paper highlights the current data of experimental and clinical studies. Some mechanisms of the development of thyroid diseases associated with pathological processes occurring in the liver tissues are analyzed. The biochemical, pathophysiological
and morphological features of the thyroid gland in acute and chronic hepatitis, fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver are described.


thyroid gland, liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis, hormones, morphology


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How to Cite

Komarova, E., Fedorova , M., Kozlova, A., & Tsyplihin, N. (2024). Biochemical and morphological changes in the gland in the most common liver diseases (literature review). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Medicine, 18(4), 361–371.



Internal medicine