Determination of priority air pollutants at the sites of sludge disposal of sewage treatment plants when establishing a sanitary protection zone


  • Sergei Noskov North-West Public Health Research Center, 4, ul. 2-ya Sovetskaya, St. Petersburg, 191036, Russian Federation ; North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov, 41, ul. Kirochnaya, St. Petersburg, 191015, Russian Federation
  • Olga Markova North-West Public Health Research Center, 4, ul. 2-ya Sovetskaya, St. Petersburg, 191036, Russian Federation
  • Ekaterina Zaritskaya North-West Public Health Research Center, 4, ul. 2-ya Sovetskaya, St. Petersburg, 191036, Russian Federation
  • Gennady Yeremin North-West Public Health Research Center, 4, ul. 2-ya Sovetskaya, St. Petersburg, 191036, Russian Federation
  • Daniel Isaev North-West Public Health Research Center, 4, ul. 2-ya Sovetskaya, St. Petersburg, 191036, Russian Federation
  • Olga Mironenko North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov, 41, ul. Kirochnaya, St. Petersburg, 191015, Russian Federation



Currently, various handling processes are used for sewage sludge treatment in order to reduce
the sediment volume and amount, and aerobic stabilization of sediment. Nevertheless, sludge
sites continue to pose a threat to the population sanitary-epidemiological well-being as an unpleasant
odors source. Objective: determination of the composition of the specific pollutants
in the emissions generated at the Zelenogorsk’s sludge sites to carry out further work on health
risk assessment according to the olfactory exposure. The study materials were selected sludge
samples before entering the sludge fields. Methods used: gas chromatography with a mass
spectrometric detector, high-performance liquid chromatography with an ultraviolet detector
based on a diode matrix, fluorimetry, and capillary electrophoresis. A total of 60 gas-air
samples were analyzed. As an experiment result, 9 classes of compounds were found. On the
second day, the aromatic compounds’s predominance in emissions is noted 83 % of the total
emission (181.4 mg/kg of sediment dry weight). On the 10th day — the nitrogen-containing
compounds predominance (65 %) and organic acids (32.5 %), the aromatic compounds content
is 1.2 % (total emission — 75.5 mg/kg). The priority chemical compounds in emission and
specific substances that may additionally be included in the atmospheric air quality studies
program when establishing a sanitary protection zone have been identified.


sewage sludge, sewage treatment plants, sludge sites, pollutants, foul-smelling substances


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Scaglia B., Orzi, V., Artola A., Font X., Davoli E., Snchez A. Odours and volatile organic compounds emitted from municipal solid waste at different stage of decomposition and relationship with biological stability. Bioresour. Technol., 2011, vol. 102, pp. 4638–4645.

Staley B. F., Xu F., Cowie S. J., Barlaz M. A., Hater G. R. Release of trace organic compounds during the decomposition of municipal solid waste components. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2006, vol. 40, pp. 5984–5991.

Sundberg C., Yu D., Franke-Whittle I., Kauppi S., Smårs S., Insam H., Romantschuck M., Jönsson H. Effects of pH and microbial composition on odour in food waste composting. Waste Manage., 2013, vol. 33, pp. 204–211.

Lebrero R., Rangel M. G., Muñoz R. Characterization and biofiltration of a real odorous emission fromwastewater treatment plant sludge. J. Environ. Manage., 2013, vol. 116, pp. 50–57.

Zarra T., Naddeo V., Belgiorno V., Reiser M., Kranert M. Odour monitoring of small wastewater treatment plant located in sensitive environment. Water Sci. Technol., 2008, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 89–94.

Son H. K., Striebig B. A. Quantification and treatment of sludge odor. Environ. Eng. Res., 2003, vol. 8,no. 5, pp. 252–258.

González D., Colón J., Gabriel D., Sánchez A. The effect of the composting time on the gaseous emissions and the compost stability in a full-scale sewage sludge composting plant. Sci. Total Environ.,2019, vol. 654, pp. 311–323.

Pagans E., Font X., Sánchez A. Emission of volatile organic compounds from composting of different solid wastes: abatement by biofiltration. J. Hazard. Mater., 2006, vol. 131, no. 1, pp. 179–186.

Suffet I. H., Decottignies V., Senante E., Bruchet A. Sensory assessment and characterization of odor nuisance emissions during the composting of wastewater biosolids. Water Environ. Res., 2009, vol. 81,no. 7, pp. 670–679.

Maulini-Duran C., Artola A., Font X., Sánchez A. Systematic study of the gaseous emissions from biosolids composting: raw sludge versus anaerobically digested sludge. Bioresour. Technol., 2013, vol. 147,pp. 43–51.



How to Cite

Noskov, S., Markova, O. ., Zaritskaya, E. ., Yeremin, G. ., Isaev, D. ., & Mironenko , O. (2023). Determination of priority air pollutants at the sites of sludge disposal of sewage treatment plants when establishing a sanitary protection zone. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Medicine, 17(4), 305–314.



Public health and health care

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