Comparative results of treatment of patients with chronic pain syndrome in traumatic lesions of the peripheral nervous system
Traumatic damage to the peripheral nervous system leads to long periods of inpatient treatment, disability of patients with disabilities to restore lost functions. After crossing the nerve trunk, nerve fibers re-grow from the center to the periphery, or an amputation neuroma forms on the proximal nerve process. When the nerve endings are irritated, pain appears by the type of electric current discharge, which flows from acute to chronic and persists for a long time. The study aims to improve the results of treatment of patients with chronic pain on the background of injury to the peripheral nervous system. The study is based on the analysis of the results of treatment by various methods of patients with chronic pain syndrome caused by traumatic damage to the peripheral nervous system. In the near and long-term follow-up periods, the analysis of neurophysiological parameters in patients with peripheral nervous system injury indicates a significant improvement compared to the initial data in both groups, especially in the group of proper patients in the form of an increase in the amplitude and speed of propagation of excitation along sensory fibers.
peripheral nervous system injury, chronic pain, nerve injury, nerve plastic surgery
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