Specifics of Hormonal Status in Combined Dishormonal Pathology of the Uterus and Mammary Glands in Reproductive Age


  • Mikhail S. Shelygin North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov, 41, ul. Kirochnaya, St. Petersburg, 191015, Russian Federation
  • Nadezhda S. Guziy North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov, 41, ul. Kirochnaya, St. Petersburg, 191015, Russian Federation
  • Viktoria S. Kaplitskaya North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov, 41, ul. Kirochnaya, St. Petersburg, 191015, Russian Federation




The combined dyshormonal pathology of the uterus and mammary glands represents a great danger to the health of a woman, as well as impairs the quality of life, reduces the reproductive capacity of a woman and leads to premature loss of reproductive function. Steroid hormones play a large role in the regulation of proliferative changes in the uterus and mammary glands. Regulation of target organs, uterus and mammary glands, due to the presence of common mechanisms associated with the presence of the receptor apparatus in the tissues of these organs to sex hormones. The general links of pathogenesis and the high frequency of combined pathology of the uterus and mammary glands are of interest to study not only isolated forms of proliferation, but also the development of a unified systematic approach to the study of this pathology. In recent times, there are opposing views on the role of hormonal dysfunction as a factor in proliferative processes. The management tactics of patients with pathological changes in the mammary gland in various gynecological diseases is an assessment of endocrine status, normalization of hormonal and metabolic disorders, especially when progesterone and cortisol are excreted, testosterone levels are increased, and hyperprolactinemia is affected. Special attention should be paid to patients with menstrual disorders, reproductive health disorders. We believe that the problem of the hyperproliferative processes of the uterus and mammary glands should not be considered only from the perspective of gynecological or mammological practice. This pathology is polymorphic and should have broad interdisciplinary connections with such disciplines as oncology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, psychiatry, therapy, pathomorphology, histology, obstetrics and gynecology. Only by studying all possible links of etiopathogenesis, by combining interdisciplinary communication, it is possible to effectively fight for the quality of patients with a combined pathology of the uterus and mammary glands. Family planning, prevention of unplanned pregnancy, timely implementation of maternity, prevention of miscarriage, the use of modern contraceptives, support for breastfeeding is also of high importance for the prevention of disorders and the preservation, extension of reproductive capabilities, and the prevention of combined dyshormonal pathology of the uterus and breast.

Ключевые слова:

hormonal status, mammary glands hyperplastic processes, endometrial hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic disease of the breast, ovarian dysfunction, especially steroidogenesis, women of reproductive age, hormonal dysfunction, hyperprolactinemia, proliferative breast disease, anovulation, gipoestrogeniya, hyperandrogenism, menstrual cycle


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Как цитировать

Shelygin, M. S., Guziy, N. S., & Kaplitskaya, V. S. (2019). Specifics of Hormonal Status in Combined Dishormonal Pathology of the Uterus and Mammary Glands in Reproductive Age. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Медицина, 14(2), 123–131. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu11.2019.204



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