Laboratory diagnosis of peripheral autonomic failure of various origins


  • Vera Lantsova Neuromed Medical Center, 17/1, Bolshoi Ovchinnikovsky per., Moscow, 115184, Russian Federation
  • Elene Sepp Neuromed Medical Center, 17/1, Bolshoi Ovchinnikovsky per., Moscow, 115184, Russian Federation
  • Igor Strokov I.M. Sechenov Moscow State Medical University, 8, Trubetskaya ul., Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation



Primary forms of peripheral vegetative insufficiency are relatively rare. This group includes peripheral vegetative insufficiency associated with damage to segmental vegetative structures: sympathetic and parasympathetic nuclei, nodes, peripheral pre- and postganglionic fibers. In the clinical picture of the disease, there are signs of a decrease in the function of the autonomic nervous system, which manifests as cardiovascular, respiratory, genitourinary, gastrointestinal and some other disorders. Since the symptoms are non-specific, autoimmune forms of peripheral vegetative insufficiency are difficult to diagnose. The equipment and methods used in clinical laboratories do not provide reliable diagnostics. Therefore, the identification of new significant diagnostic markers of the diseases, including autoantibodies to acetylcholinesterase, α3-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and β2-adrenergic receptors, the development on their basis of modern test systems and the introduction of these systems in the practice of neurological medical centers is an important task.


autoimmune diseases, autonomic nervous system, western blot, ELISA, GnRH, α3-nAСhR


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How to Cite

Lantsova, V., Sepp , E. ., & Strokov , I. (2020). Laboratory diagnosis of peripheral autonomic failure of various origins. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Medicine, 14(4), 292–294.



Neurology. Neurosurgery. Psychiatry