
  • Евгений Юрьевич Антохин Orenburg State Medical University, 6, ul. Sovetskaya, Orenburg, 460000, Russian Federation
  • Владимир Георгиевич Будза Orenburg State Medical University, 6, ul. Sovetskaya, Orenburg, 460000, Russian Federation
  • Розалия Ильдаровна Палаева Orenburg State Medical University, 6, ul. Sovetskaya, Orenburg, 460000, Russian Federation
  • Александр Игоревич Ерзин Orenburg State Medical University, 6, ul. Sovetskaya, Orenburg, 460000, Russian Federation
  • Владимир Федорович Друзь Orenburg State Medical University, 6, ul. Sovetskaya, Orenburg, 460000, Russian Federation
  • Елена Борисовна Чалая Orenburg State Medical University, 6, ul. Sovetskaya, Orenburg, 460000, Russian Federation




The article presents the main results of the study of protective psychological mechanisms, namely,
coping strategies, psychological defense mechanisms in patients with dysthymia and their dynamics
in the process of therapy. To implement the objectives of the study, the following tools were used:
clinical scale self-report to examine the mental state. The comparative analysis of the patients with
dysthymia and healthy individuals, as well as of the patients with dysthymia before and after therapy
was conducted. As a result of completing the therapy, patients with dysthymia significantly reduced
indicators of SCL-90-R “somatization”, “interpersonal sensitivity”, “depression”, which may indicate
the reduction of distress arising from awareness of violations of the functions of the body, decreasing
the feeling of personal inadequacy and inferiority, as well as signs of fading interest in activities. As a
result of group cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy, the significant decline in the use of maladaptive
behavioral coping strategies and strengthening of adaptive behaviors was observed. In addition, patients
with dysthymia obtained more mature mechanisms of psychological protection, for example, in
their arsenal of behavior appeared “intellectualization” that allows one to analyze one’s thoughts and
actions, to engage in introspection. Refs 19. Tables 6.


dysthymia, coping behavior, psychological defense mechanisms, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy


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Author Biography

Александр Игоревич Ерзин, Orenburg State Medical University, 6, ul. Sovetskaya, Orenburg, 460000, Russian Federation




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How to Cite

Антохин, Е. Ю., Будза, В. Г., Палаева, Р. И., Ерзин, А. И., Друзь, В. Ф., & Чалая, Е. Б. (2017). DYSTHYMIA: FEATURES PSYCHOPATHOLOGY AND PROTECTIVE STRUCTURES AND THEIR DYNAMICS IN THERAPY. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Medicine, 12(3), 251–265. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu11.2017.305



Neurology. Neurosurgery. Psychiatry