At the forefront of Russian morphology (to the 70th anniversary of the birth of the head of the Department of Morphology of St. Petersburg State University, Professor I. V. Gaivoronsky)


  • Piotr Yablonsky St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Andrey Sarana St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Andrey Obrezan St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Gennadiy Nichiporuk St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation ;Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov, 6, ul. Akademika Lebedeva, St. Petersburg, 194044, Russian Federation



The article is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of a prominent domestic anatomist, head of the Department of Morphology of St. Petersburg State University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor I. V. Gaivoronsky. Ivan Vasilyevich was born in 1954. In 1979, he graduated from the Military Medical Academy, then completed his postgraduate studies at it. At this university, he worked his way up from a teacher to the head of the department of normal
anatomy, which he has headed for more than 35 years. Since the formation of the Faculty of
Medicine of St. Petersburg State University, he has also permanently headed the Department of morphology. During this time, under the leadership of I. V. Gaivoronsky a modern educational and material base has been created, the educational process has been organized at a high methodological level, and scientific research has been conducted to solve pressing problems
of morphology. He created a scientific morphological school, which trained 11 doctors and 60 candidates of medical sciences. I. V. Gaivoronsky was twice awarded the Russian Government Prize in the field of education, he was awarded the honorary titles “Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation” and “Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation”, Academician of the Russian Military Medical Academy, Honorary Doctor of the Military Medical Academy. He was awarded the Order of Honor and the Medal of the Order for Services to the Fatherland, II degree.


human anatomy, history of anatomy, St. Petersburg State University, Ivan Vasilievich Gaivoronsky, polymer embalming, educational process


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Гайворонский И. В. Нормальная анатомия человека. Т. 1. СПб.: СпецЛит, 2024. 671с.

Гайворонский И. В. Нормальная анатомия человека. Т. 2. СПб.: СпецЛит, 2024. 463с.

Гайворонский И. В., Колесников Л. Л., Филимонов В. И., Цыбулькин А. Г., Чукбар А. В., Шилкин В. В. Анатомия человека:. Т. 1. М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2014. 320 с.

Гайворонский И. В., Колесников Л. Л., Филимонов В. И., Цыбулькин А. Г., Чукбар А. В., Шилкин В. В. Анатомия человека. Т. 2. М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2014. 320 с.

Гайворонский И. В., Колесников Л. Л., Филимонов В. И., Цыбулькин А. Г., Чукбар А. В., Шилкин В. В.Анатомия человека. Т. 3. М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2015. 314 с.

Гайворонский И. В., Ничипорук Г. И., Гайворонский А. И. Анатомия и физиология человека. М.:Академия, 2023. 544 с.

Гайворонский И. В., Ничипорук Г. И., Гайворонский А. И. Анатомия центральной нервной системы и органов чувств: учебник для академического бакалавриата. М.: Юрайт, 2023. 294 с.

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Гайворонский И. В., Ничипорук Г. И., Тюкавин А. И. Физиология с основами анатомии. М.:Инфра-М, 2023. 813 с.

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Historical essay of the Department of Normal Anatomy of the Military Medical(Medical-Surgical) Academy(to the 220th anniversary of the founding of the department. St. Petersburg, Spetslit Publ., 2018.223 p. (In Russian)

Gaivoronsky I. V., Gaivoronsky A. I., Nikolenko V. N., Nichiporuk G. I. Human anatomy and physiology.Moscow, GEOTAR-Media Publ., 2019. 672 p. (In Russian)

Gaivoronsky I. V. Normal human anatomy, vol. 1. St. Petersburg, SpetsLit Publ., 2024. 671 p. (In Russian)

Gaivoronsky I. V. Normal human anatomy. In 2 vols, vol. 2. St. Petersburg, SpetsLit Publ., 2024. 463 p.(In Russian)

Gaivoronsky I. V., Kolesnikov L. L., Filimonov V. I., Tsybulkin A. G., Chukbar A. V., Shilkin V. V. Human anatomy, vol. 1. Moscow, GEOTAR-Media Publ., 2014. 320 p. (In Russian)

Gaivoronsky I. V., Kolesnikov L. L., Filimonov V. I., Tsybulkin A. G., Chukbar A. V., Shilkin V. V. Human anatomy, vol. 2. Moscow, GEOTAR-Media Publ., 2014. 320 p. (In Russian)

Gaivoronsky I. V., Kolesnikov L. L., Filimonov V. I., Tsybulkin A. G., Chukbar A. V., Shilkin V. V. Human anatomy, vol. 3. Moscow, GEOTAR-Media Publ., 2015. 314 p. (In Russian)

Gaivoronsky I. V., Nichiporuk G. I., Gaivoronsky A. I. Anatomy and physiology of man.Moscow, Akademiia Publ., 2023, 544 p. (In Russian)

Gaivoronsky I. V., Nichiporuk G. I., Gaivoronsky A. I. Anatomy of the central nervous system and sensory organs. Moscow, Iurait Publ., 2023, 294 p. (In Russian)

Gaivoronsky I. V., Nichiporuk G. I., Gaivoronsky A. I. Human Anatomy, vol. 1. Moscow, GEOTARMedia Publ., 2024. 736 p. (In Russian)

Gaivoronsky I. V., Nichiporuk G. I., Gaivoronsky A. I. Human Anatomy, vol. 2. Moscow, GEOTARMedia Publ., 2024. 496 p. (In Russian)

Gaivoronsky I. V., Nichiporuk G. I., Tyukavin A. I. Physiology with basic anatomy.Moscow, Infra-M Publ., 2023, 813 p. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Yablonsky , P., Sarana, A., Obrezan, A., & Nichiporuk, G. (2024). At the forefront of Russian morphology (to the 70th anniversary of the birth of the head of the Department of Morphology of St. Petersburg State University, Professor I. V. Gaivoronsky). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Medicine, 19(2), 180–189.

