Creation of collective immune as the main preventive measure for the spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)


  • Anna Tovanova I. I. Meсhnikov North-Western State Medical University, 41, ul. Kirochnaya, St Petersburg, 191015, Russian Federation



Achieving the required level of herd immunity against a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in order to protect the population is an urgent issue in preventive and practical medicine around the world. Herd immunity is an indirect indicator of protection against COVID-19 disease and is made up of the immunity of individuals in a particular group. Epidemiological monitoring of the structure, formation, and dynamics of herd immunity will make it possible to correctly and timely adjust approaches to anti-epidemic measures, both in individual risk groups, in particular among medical workers, and in society as a whole. The required level of herd immunity against a new coronavirus infection can be achieved naturally, after a disease, or artificially, through mass immunization of the population. To date, vaccination is the safest, most effective, and most cost-effective method. Serological research methods (detection of IgG) indicate the effectiveness
of vaccination — the formation of post-vaccination immunity or a past disease. Determining the period of time at which a stable antibody titer is determined, as well as their level, is essential for predicting morbidity.


novel coronavirus infection, herd immunity, vaccination, antibodies, COVID-19, IgG


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Pollan M., Perez-Gjmez B., Pastor-Barriuso R., Oteo J., Hernan M. A., Perez-Olmeda M., Sanmartin J. L.,Fernandez-Garcia A., Cruz I., Fernandez de Larrea N., Molina M., Rodriguez-Cabrera F., Martin M.,Merino-Amador P., Leon Paniagua J., Munoz-Montalvo J. F., Blanco F., Yotti R. ENE-COVID Study Group. Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in Spain (ENE-COVID): A nationwide, population-based seroepidemiological study // The Lancet. 2020. Vol. 396, no. 10250, pp. 535–544.

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Lea C. S., Simeonsson K., Kipp A. M., McNeill C., Wilcox L., Irish W., Morris H., Diaz O. M., Fallon J. T.,Roper R. L. Waning of SARS-CoV-2 Seropositivity among Healthy Young Adults over Seven Months// Vaccines (Basel). 2022. Vol. 10, no. 9. P. 1532.

Patel M. M., Thornburg N. J., Stubblefield W. B., Talbot H. K., Coughlin M. M., Feldstein L. R., Self W. H. Change in Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 over 60 Days among Health Care Personnel in Nashville, Tennessee// JAMA. 2020. Vol. 324, no. 17. P. 1781–1782.

Wajnberg A., Mansour M., Leven E., Bouvier N. M., Patel G., Firpo-Betancourt A., Mendu R., Jhang J.,Arinsburg S., Gitman M., Houldsworth J., Sordillo E., Paniz-Mondolfi A., Baine I., Simon V., Aberg J.,Krammer F., Reich D., Cordon-Cardo C. Humoral response and PCR positivity in patients with COVID-19 in the New York City region, USA: An observational study Lancet Microbe. 2020. Vol. 1,no. 7. P. E283–E289.

Logunov D. Y., Dolzhikova I. V., Shcheblyakov D. V., Tukhvatulin A. I., Zubkova O. V., Dzharullaeva A. S.,Kovyrshina A. V., Lubenets N. L., Grousova D. M., Erokhova A. S., Botikov A. G., Izhaeva F. M.,Popova O., Ozharovskaya T. A., Esmagambetov I. B., Favorskaya I. A., Zrelkin D. I., Voronina D. V., Shcherbinin D. N., Semikhin A. S., Simakova Y. V., Tokarskaya E. A., Egorova D. A., Shmarov M. M., Nikitenko N. A., Gushchin V. A., Smolyarchuk E. A., Zyryanov S. K., Borisevich S. V., Naroditsky B. S., Gintsburg A. L. Gam-COVID-Vac Vaccine Trial Group. Safety and efficacy of an rAd26 and rAd5 vectorbased heterologous prime-boost COVID-19 vaccine: An interim analysis of a randomised controlled phase 3 trial in Russia // The Lancet. 2021. Vol. 397, no. 10275. P. 671–681.


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Mellet J., Pepper M. S. A COVID-19 Vaccine: Big Strides Come with Big Challenges. Vaccines (Basel),2021, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 39.

Mistry P., Barmania F., Mellet J., Peta K., Strydom A., Viljoen I. M., James W., Gordon S., Pepper M. S.SARS-CoV-2 Variants, Vaccines, and Host Immunity. Front. Immunol., 2022, no. 12, p. 809244.

Lea C. S., Simeonsson K., Kipp A. M., McNeill Ch., Wilcox L., Irish W., Morris H., Diaz O. M., Fallon J. T., Roper R. L. Waning of SARS-CoV-2 Seropositivity among Healthy Young Adults over Seven Months. Vaccines (Basel) 2022, vol. 10, no. 9, p. 1532.

Popova A. Y., Ezhlova E. B., Melnikova A. A., Patyashina M. A., Sizova E. P., Uzlibaeva L. R., Lyalina L. V., Smirnov V. S., Badamshina G. G., Goncharova A. V., Arbuzova T. V., Lomonosova V. I., Totolyan A. A. Distribution of SARS-CоV-2 seroprevalence among residents of the Republic of Tatarstan during the COVID-19 epidemic period. Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii, 2020,vol. 97, no. 6, pp. 518–528. (In Russian)

Long Q. X., Liu B. Z., Deng H. J., Wu G. C., Deng K., Chen Y. K., Liao P., Qiu J. F., Lin Y., Cai X. F.,Wang D. Q., Hu Y., Ren J. H., Tang N., Xu Y. Y., Yu L. H., Mo Z., Gong F., Zhang X. L., Tian W. G.,Hu L., Zhang X. X., Xiang J. L., Du H. X., Liu H. W., Lang C. H., Luo X. H., Wu S. B., Cui X. P., Zhou Z.,Zhu M. M., Wang J., Xue C. J., Li X. F., Wang L., Li Z. J., Wang K., Niu C. C., Yang Q. J., Tang X. J.,Zhang Y., Liu X. M., Li J. J., Zhang D. C., Zhang F., Liu P., Yuan J., Li Q., Hu J. L., Chen J., Huang A. L.Antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in patients with COVID-19. Nat. Med., 2020, vol. 26, no. 6,pp. 845–848.

Dan J. M., Mateus J., Kato Y., Hastie K. M., Yu E. D., Faliti C. E., Grifoni A., Ramirez S. I., Haupt S., Crotty Sh. Immunological memory to SARS-CoV-2 assessed for up to 8 months after infection. Science,2021, vol. 371, no. 6529.

Pollan M., Perez-Gjmez B., Pastor-Barriuso R., Oteo J., Hernan M. A., Perez-Olmeda M., Sanmartin J. L., Fernandez-Garcia A., Cruz I., Fernandez de Larrea N., Molina M., Rodriguez-Cabrera F., Martin M., Merino-Amador P., Leon Paniagua J., Munoz-Montalvo J. F., Blanco F., Yotti R. ENE-COVID Study Group. Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in Spain (ENE-COVID): A nationwide, population-based seroepidemiological study. The Lancet, 2020, vol. 396, no. 10250, pp. 535–544.

Wajnberg A., Amanat F., Firpo A., Altman D. R., Bailey M. J., Mansour M., McMahon M., Meade P., Mendu D. R., Muellers K., Stadlbauer D., Stone K., Strohmeier S., Simon V., Aberg J., Reich D. L., Krammer F., Cordon-Cardo C. Robust neutralizing antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 infection persist for months. Science,2020, vol. 370, no. 6521, pp. 1227–1230.

Van Elslande J., Oyaert M., Ailliet S., Van Ranst M., Lorent N., Vande Weygaerde Y., Andre E., Lagrou K., Vandendriessche S., Vermeersch P. Longitudinal follow-up of IgG anti-nucleocapsid antibodies in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients up to eight months after infection. J. Clin. Virol., 2021, vol. 136.

Kim P., Gordon S. M., Sheehan M. M., Rothberg M. B. Duration of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Natural Immunity and Protection against the Delta Variant: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2022, vol. 75, no. 1, pp. e185–e190.

Lumley S. F., O’Donnell D., Stoesser N. E., Matthews P. C., Howarth A., Hatch S. B., Marsden B. D., Cox S., James T., Warren F., Peck L. J., Ritter T. G., de Toledo Z., Warren L., Axten D., Cornall R. J., Jones E. Y., Stuart D. I., Screaton G., Ebner D., Hoosdally S., Chand M., Crook D. W., O’Donnell A. M., Conlon C. P., Pouwels K. B., Walker A. S., Peto T. E. A., Hopkins S., Walker T. M., Jeffery K., Eyre D. W. Oxford University Hospitals Staff Testing Group. Antibody Status and Incidence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Health Care Workers. N. Engl. J. Med., 2021, vol. 384, no. 6, pp. 533–540.

Ibarrondo F. J., Fulcher J. A., Goodman-Meza D., Elliott J., Hofmann C., Hausner M. A., Ferbas K. G., Tobin N. H., Aldrovandi G. M., Yang O. O. Rapid Decay of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Persons with Mild COVID-19. N. Engl. J. Med., 2020, vol. 383, no. 11, pp. 1085–1087.

Lea C. S., Simeonsson K., Kipp A. M., McNeill C., Wilcox L., Irish W., Morris H., Diaz O. M., Fallon J. T., Roper R. L. Waning of SARS-CoV-2 Seropositivity among Healthy Young Adults over Seven Months. Vaccines (Basel), 2022, vol. 10, no. 9, p. 1532.

Patel M. M., Thornburg N. J., Stubblefield W. B., Talbot H. K., Coughlin M. M., Feldstein L. R., Self W. H. Change in Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 over 60 Days among Health Care Personnel in Nashville, Tennessee. JAMA, 2020, vol. 324, no. 17, pp. 1781–1782.

Wajnberg A., Mansour M., Leven E., Bouvier N. M., Patel G., Firpo-Betancourt A., Mendu R., Jhang J., Arinsburg S., Gitman M., Houldsworth J., Sordillo E., Paniz-Mondolfi A., Baine I., Simon V., Aberg J., Krammer F., Reich D., Cordon-Cardo C. Humoral response and PCR positivity in patients with COVID-19 in the New York City region, USA: An observational study. Lancet Microbe, 2020, vol. 1, no. 7, pp. E283–E289.

Logunov D. Y., Dolzhikova I. V., Shcheblyakov D. V., Tukhvatulin A. I., Zubkova O. V., Dzharullaeva A. S., Kovyrshina A. V., Lubenets N. L., Grousova D. M., Erokhova A. S., Botikov A. G., Izhaeva F. M., Popova O., Ozharovskaya T. A., Esmagambetov I. B., Favorskaya I. A., Zrelkin D. I., Voronina D. V., Shcherbinin D. N., Semikhin A. S., Simakova Y. V., Tokarskaya E. A., Egorova D. A., Shmarov M. M., Nikitenko N. A., Gushchin V. A., Smolyarchuk E. A., Zyryanov S. K., Borisevich S. V., Naroditsky B. S., Gintsburg A. L. Gam-COVID-Vac Vaccine Trial Group. Safety and efficacy of an rAd26 and rAd5 vector-based heterologous prime-boost COVID-19 vaccine: an interim analysis of a randomized controlled phase 3 trial in Russia. The Lancet, 2021, vol. 397, no. 10275, pp. 671–681.



How to Cite

Tovanova , A. (2023). Creation of collective immune as the main preventive measure for the spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Medicine, 17(3), 212–220.


