
  • Юрий Семенович Винник Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named aft er professor V. F. Voyno-Jaseneckiy, 1, ul. Partizana Zcheleznyzka, Krasnoyarsk, 660022, Russian Federation
  • Светлана Сергеевна Дунаевская Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named aft er professor V. F. Voyno-Jaseneckiy, 1, ul. Partizana Zcheleznyzka, Krasnoyarsk, 660022, Russian Federation
  • Дарья Александровна Антюфриева Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named aft er professor V. F. Voyno-Jaseneckiy, 1, ul. Partizana Zcheleznyzka, Krasnoyarsk, 660022, Russian Federation


Th e result of treatment of 40 patients with the obliterating atherosclerosis of arteries of the lower extremities with ischemia degree ΙΙА-ΙΙВ on A. V. Pokrovsky’s classifi cation — Fontaine which were divided into 2 groups depending on the carried-out therapy is analysed. Patients of the 1st group (n = 20) received a course of the basic conservative therapy including rheological, vazoaktivny preparations, anticoagulants and dezagregant. Patients of the 2nd group (n = 20) along with the protocol of basic therapy received infusions of the ozonized physiological solution. Groups of comparison were comparable in a nosological form of a disease, a sex, age, character of the accompanying pathology. Direct infl uence of an ozonoterapiya on strengthening of fi brinolitichesky activity of blood, antikoagulyantny link of a hemostasis against its application is established. Th e lasting hypocoagulative eff ect in the second group of patients, up to 6 months is revealed. Refs 7. Tables 5.


the obliterating atherosclerosis of vessels of the lower extremities, system of a hemostasis, ozonoterapiya


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How to Cite

Винник, Ю. С., Дунаевская, С. С., & Антюфриева, Д. А. (2019). INFLUENCE OF THE OZONIZED PHYSIOLOGICAL SOLUTION ON SYSTEM OF THE HEMOSTASIS AT THE OBLITERATING ATHEROSCLEROSIS OF VESSELS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Medicine, 11(1), 30–35. Retrieved from



Internal medicine