
  • Ольга Владиславовна Савельева St. Petersburg State outpatient hospital N 5, 17, sh. Revoliutsii, St. Petersburg, 195027, Russian Federation
  • Наталия Николаевна Петрова St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



Given the representation in the Department of patients with schizophrenia (about 40 %), a study of the effectiveness of rehabilitation activities carried out in the medical and rehabilitation department that functions within the institution of a psychoneurological dispensary with, as its subject, for example, patients with paranoid schizophrenia.Factors that positively influence the success of rehabilitation in patients with schizophrenia are examined. The negative impact on the success of rehabilitation is marked by the expression of positive symptoms, mental disorders, the general severity of the psychic disorder, and frequent hospitalizations.Criteria of the effectiveness of rehabilitation of patients at the stage of chronic schizophrenia
include the severity of psychopathological symptoms, the frequency of rehospitalization, the level of social functioning in areas reflecting independence of existence, satisfaction with psychiatric care, quality of life, labor activity. Refs 7. Fig. 1.


schizophrenia, rehabilitation


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How to Cite

Савельева, О. В., & Петрова, Н. Н. (2017). THE EFFICIENCY OF COMPLEX REHABILITATION IN PATIENTS WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Medicine, 12(3), 216–224.



Neurology. Neurosurgery. Psychiatry

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