Interrelation of electrical oscillations of heart and brain


  • Александр Сергеевич Холманский The Scientific Center «Bemkom», 11, Shenkursky proezd, Moscow, 127340, Russian Federation
  • Андрей Алексеевич Минахин Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports Medicine, Branch no. 3, 19, 2nd Volskaya ul., Moscow, 111674, Russian Federation



To substantiate the physical models of the mechanism of heuristic thinking, the dependence of the frequency spectra of electrical activity of the brain and heart on the effect on the brain of internal and external physicochemical factors was studied. The electrical circuit of the brain was represented by an open system of chemical synapses and Ranvier intercepts. Oscillators modeled the first ones in the form of current dipoles, and the latter by inductive coils. The lateral asymmetry of the reaction of brain frequencies to the action of light and the inhibitory effect on the electrical activity of all the zones of the brain of incense and voice acoustics were revealed. Correlations of the effects of external and internal factors on the frequency spectra of the brain and heart were established. To explain the relationship between pacemaker systems of the brain and heart, it was suggested that oscillations of its electric polarization caused by the autonomic correction of the oscillations of the sinus node of the heart and the vector of its dipole are superimposed on the pulse oscillations of the arterial blood. Oscillations of the polarization of blood through its capillary systems affect the kinetics of ion-exchange processes in the pacemaker systems of the brain. The well-known EEG rhythms were tied with characteristic frequencies of acoustic and electrical oscillations in the tissues of the brain and skull. It was confirmed that the method of recording the frequency spectra of brain electrical activity makes it possible to differentiate its physiological state depending on the functional load and pathological factors.


frequencies, EEG, ECG, current dipole, synapse, factors, correlations


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How to Cite

Холманский, А. С., & Минахин, А. А. (2018). Interrelation of electrical oscillations of heart and brain. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Medicine, 13(2), 117–135.



Internal medicine