Cognitive disorders in ovarian cancer patients (literature review)


  • Наталия Николаевна Петрова St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Анна Сергеевна Белозёр St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The article provides a review of cognitive impairment in oncology patients basing on the example of ovarian cancer women. Consecutive steps in the research for neuropsychological assessment of cancer patient with non-CNS tumors are demonstrated, including currently existing cognitive studies for oncogynecological patients. The suspected reasons for cognitive impairment at different treatment stages are being analyzed with the focus on cognitive dysfunction in the group of ovarian cancer patients. It is being discussed in the article that besides of the neurotoxic influence of chemo treatment, cognitive functions of the ovarian cancer patients can be impaired due to various other factors and that the subjective assessment of cognitive functioning does not correspond to the objective results of the neuropsychological assessment. It is stated in the article that at the moment there is no uniform methodological approach for neuropsychological assessment of ovarian cancer patients and multidisciplinary platform is required including the use of EEG, MRI and fMRI methods for precise evaluation of subtle cognitive impairments.


ovarian cancer, cognitive function, neuropsychological assessment, central nervous system, quality of life, affective disorders


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Schagen S. B., Hamburger H. L., Muller, M. J. et al. Neurophysiological evaluation of late effects of adjuvant thigh dose chemotherapy on cognitive function. J. оf Neurooncology, 2001, vol. 51(2), pp. 159–165.

Wefel J. S., Vardy J., Ahles T. A. et al. International Cognition and Cancer Task Force recommendations to harmonise studies of cognitive function in cancer patients. Lancet Oncology, 2011, vol. 12, pp. 703–708.

Myers J. S. Chemotherapy-related cognitive impairment: neuroimaging, neuropsychological testing, and the neuropsychologist. Clin. J. of Oncololy Nursing, 2009, no. 13, pp. 413–421.

Correa D. D., Hess L. M. Cognitive function and quality of life in ovarian cancer. Gynecol. Oncol., 2014, no. 124 (3), pp. 404–409.

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Ahles T. A., Correa D. D. Neuropsychological impact of cancer and cancer treatments, in Holland. J. C. Psycho-Oncology (ed 2). New York, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp. 251–257.

Correa D. D., Zhou Q., Thaler H. T., Maziarz M., Hurley K., Hensley M. L. Cognitive functions in longterm survivors of ovarian cancer. Gynecol. Oncol., 2010, no. 119 (2), pp. 366–369.

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Nguyen C. M., Yamada T. H., Beglinger L. J., Cavanaugh J. E., Denburg N. L., Schultz S. K. Cognitive features 10 or more years after successful breast cancer survival: comparisons across types of cancer interventions. Psychooncology, 2013, no. 22(4), pp. 862–868.

Schagen S. B., MullerM. J., Boogerd W., Mellenbergh G. J., VanDam F. S. Change in cognitive function after chemotherapy: a prospective longitudinal study in breast cancer patients. J. of the National Cancer Institute, 2006, no. 98(23), pp. 1742–1745.

Yamada T. H., Denburg N. L., Beglinger L. J., Schultz S. K. Neuropsychological outcomes of older breast cancer survivors: cognitive feature stenor more years after chemotherapy. J. of Neuropsychiatry Clin. Neuroscience, 2010, vol. 22(1), pp. 48–54.

Tannock I. F., Ahles T. A., Ganz P. A. et al. Cognitive impairment associated with chemotherapy for cancer: Report of a workshop. J. of Clin. Oncology, 2004, vol. 22, pp. 2233–2239.

Vardy J., Wefel J. S., Ahles T. A. et al. Cancer and cancer-therapy related cognitive dysfunction: An international perspective from the Venice Cognitive Workshop. Annals of Oncology, 2008, vol. 19, pp. 623–629.

Ono Miyuki, Ogilvie J. M., Wilson J. S., Green H. J., Chambers S. K., Ownsworth T., Shum D. H. K. A meta-analysis of cognitive impairment and decline associated with adjuvant chemotherapy in women with breast cancer. Frontiers in Oncology, 2015, vol. 5, pp. 1–19.

Shuster L. T., Gostout B. S., Grossardt B. R., Rocca W. A. Prophylactic oophorectomy in pre-menopausal women and long term health — a review. Menopause International, 2008, no. 14 (3), pp. 111–116.

Ahles T. A., James C., Root and Elizabeth L. Ryan. Cancer- and Cancer Treatment–Associated Cognitive Change: An Update on the State of the Science. J. of Clin. Oncol., 2012, no. 30, pp. 3675–3686.

Ahles T. A., Saykin A. J., McDonald B. C. et al: Cognitive function in breast cancer patients prior to adjuvant treatment. Breast Cancer Res. and Treat., 2008, no. 110 (1), pp. 143–152.

Janelsins M. C., Kesler S. R., Ahles T. A., Morrow G. R. Prevalence, mechanisms, and management of cancer-related cognitive impairment. Intern. Rev. of Psychiatry, 2014, no. 26(1), pp. 102–113.

Wefel J. S., Lenzi R., Theriault R. et al. Chemobrain in breast carcinoma? A prologue. Cancer, 2004, vol. 101, pp. 466–475.

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Hurria A., Somlo G., Ahles T. Renaming “chemobrain”. Cancer Invest., 2007, no. 25 (6), pp. 373–377.

Janelsins M. C., Kesler S. R., Ahles T. A., Morrow G. R. Prevalence, mechanisms, and management of cancer-related cognitive impairment. International Review of Psychiatry, 2014, no. 26(1), pp. 102–113.

Bender C. M., Sereika S. M., Berga S. L., Vogel V. G., Brufsky A. M., Paraska K. K., Ryan C. M. Cognitive impairment associated with adjuvant therapy in breast cancer. Psychooncology, 2006, no. 15, pp. 422–430.

Dwek M. R., Rixon L., Hurt C., Simon A., Newman S. Is there a relationship between objectively measured cognitive changes in patients with solid tumours undergoing chemotherapy treatment and their health-related quality of life outcomes? A systematic review. Psychooncology, 2017, vol. 26, pp. 1422–1432.

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Wagner L., Sweet J., Butt Z., Lai J., Cella D. Measuring patient self-reported cognitive function: development of the functional assessment of cancer therapy cognitive function instrument. The J. of Supportive Oncology, 2009, vol. 7, pp. W32–W39.

Mayerhofer K., Bodner-Adler B., Bodner K. et al. A paclitaxel-containing chemotherapy does not cause central nervous adverse effects: a prospective study in patients with ovarian cancer. Anticancer Research, 2000, no. 20, pp. 4051–4055.

Kudelka, A. P. et al. Phase II study of i. v. CI-980 in patients with advanced platinum refractory epithelial ovarian carcinoma. Anti-Cancer Drugs, 1998, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 405–409.

Hensley M. L., Correa D. D., Thaler H., Wilton A., Venkatraman E., Sabbatini P., Chi D. S., Dupont J., Spriggs D., Aghajanian C. Phase I/II study of weekly paclitaxel plus carboplatin and gemcitabine as first-line treatment of advanced-stage ovarian cancer: Pathologic complete response and longitudinal assessment of impact on cognitive functioning. Gynecol. Oncology, 2006, no. 102(2), pp. 270–277.

Hess L. M., Huang H. Q., Hanlon A. L., Robinson W. R., Johnson R., Chambers S. K., Mannel R. S., Puls L., Davidson S. A., Method M., Lele S., Havrilesky L., Nelson T., Alberts D. S. Cognitive function during and six months following chemotherapy for front-line treatment of ovarian, primary peritoneal or fallopian tube cancer: An NRG oncology/gynecologic oncology group study. Gynecol. Oncology, 2015, no. 139 (3), pp. 541–545.



How to Cite

Петрова, Н. Н., & Белозёр, А. С. (2018). Cognitive disorders in ovarian cancer patients (literature review). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Medicine, 13(3), 291–300.




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