Myocardial remodeling and syndrome of minor cardiac abnormalities in athletes


  • Андрей Григорьевич Обрезан St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation; International Medical Center «SOGAZ», 8, Malaya Konyushennaya st., St. Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation
  • Олег Богданович Крысюк St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Сергей Федорович Задворьев Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, 35, ul. Dekabristov, St. Petersburg, 190121, Russian Federation
  • Алина Сергеевна Лим Saint Petersburg Medical Social University, 72 A., Kondratyevskiy pr., St. Petersburg, 195271, Russian Federation



During the recent decades, the syndrome of minor cardiac abnormalities becomes of high interest in terms of health maintenance and risk of cardiovascular diseases in different categories of healthy and presumably healthy persons, e. g. in athletes. In this article we present the results of a population-wide study of the prevalence of minor cardiac abnormalities e. g. mitral valve prolapse (MVP) in athletes. The correlates of cardiac abnormalities were analyzed in a group of high-dynamic sports. An incidence of MVP among professional high-qualification athletes was 3.3 %. Athletes with MVP were younger, and their training experience was lower. Our data contribute to the concept that MVP is associated with neither risk nor benefit to reach the excellence in sports. At the same time, in athletes with minor cardiac abnormalities the signs of cardiac overload were more prevalent compared to people with none.


athlete’s heart, mitral valve prolapse, minor cardiac abnormalities, cardiac remodeling, arrhythmia


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Markiewicz-Łoskot G., Łoskot M., Moric-Janiszewska E. et al. Electrocardiographic abnormalities in young athletes with mitral valve prolapse. Clin. Cardiol., 2009, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. E36–E39.

Pelliccia A., Quattrini F. P., Squeo M. R. et al. Cardiovascular diseases in Paralympic athletes. British journal of Sports medicine, 2016, vol. 50 (17), pp. 1075–1080.

Pelliccia A., Adami P. E., Quattrini F. et al. Are Olympic athletes free from cardiovascular diseases? Systematic investigation in 2352 participants from Athens 2004 to Sochi 2014. Br. J. Sports Med., 2017, vol. 51 (4), pp. 238–243.

Mecarocci V., Mori F. P210 Long-term outcome of primary mitral valve prolapse: results from a population of 250 patients referred to a tertiary cardiovascular center. Eur. Heart J. Cardiovasc Imaging, 2016, vol. 17, suppl 2, pp. 1129–1137.

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Finocchiaro G., Papadakis M., Robertus J.-L. et al. Etiology of sudden death in sports. Insights from a United Kingdom regional registry. Jour Am Coll Cardiol., 2016, vol. 67, no. 18, pp. 2108–2115.

Maron B. J., Carney K. P., Lever H. M. et al. Relationship of race to sudden cardiac death in competitive athletes with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. J Am Coll Cardiol., 2003, vol. 41, pp. 974–980.

Daliento L. Mitral valvar prolapse: overlap or masked syndrome? Cardiol Young, 2002, vol. 12, pp. 317–319.

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Rogers I. S. Tremmel J. A., Schnittger I. Myocardial bridges: overview of diagnosis and management. Congenital Heart Disease, 2017, vol. 12, pp. 619–623.

Betsuyaku T., Muto H., Sugiyama E., Sato M. False tendon-related polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. PACE, 2012, vol. 35, pp. E341–E344.

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How to Cite

Обрезан, А. Г., Крысюк, О. Б., Задворьев, С. Ф., & Лим, А. С. (2018). Myocardial remodeling and syndrome of minor cardiac abnormalities in athletes. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Medicine, 13(3), 237–244.



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