Optimization of the work of a nutritionist physician using tools of lean technologies in a simulated clinic


  • Oleg Lisovskii St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, 2, Litovskaya ul., St. Petersburg, 194100, Russian Federation
  • Alexandr Gostimskii St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, 2, Litovskaya ul., St. Petersburg, 194100, Russian Federation
  • Ivan Lisitsa St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, 2, Litovskaya ul., St. Petersburg, 194100, Russian Federation
  • Anna Zavyalova St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, 2, Litovskaya ul., St. Petersburg, 194100, Russian Federation
  • Igor Karpatsky St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, 2, Litovskaya ul., St. Petersburg, 194100, Russian Federation




The article presents the possibilities of implementing the priority project “New model of medical organization providing primary health care” aimed at increasing the accessibility and satisfaction of patients with the quality of medical care. An example of an outpatient dietary consultation shows the resources for detecting medical losses and ways of optimizing the activities of medical personnel using the tools of lean technologies. The article reflects the experience of the Training Centre for lean technologies in health care of the Saint Petersburg State pediatric medical university, created in 2018 with the aim of training medical workers of different specialties to use tools of economical production in conditions of simulated clinic. The conduct of business games and “The Factories of Processes” makes it possible to reconstruct the work of the individual office or the entire polyclinic. The possibility of standardization of
medical processes, use of check-lists in the work and organization of each cabinet, introduction of the system “5S” and identification of medical losses with subsequent optimization of the initial reception is presented. In this work “The Process Factory” “The optimization of the appointment of a doctor-specialist” is presented, allowing to make a detailed analysis of the duration and structure of the reception, to perform the mapping of medical processes and to use visual management, considering the efficiency, Safety and quality of the doctor’s work. The acquired skills in simulated conditions help to implement this methodology and effectively use the tools of lean technologies in practice.


lean technologies in health care, “Process Factory”, optimization, nutritionist, mapping, system “5S”, medical losses, standardization, check-list


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How to Cite

Lisovskii, O., Gostimskii , A. ., Lisitsa , I., Zavyalova , A., & Karpatsky, I. (2021). Optimization of the work of a nutritionist physician using tools of lean technologies in a simulated clinic. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Medicine, 15(4), 283–289. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu11.2020.406



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